Start Our subjects Marketing Management

Marketing Management

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    Target Groups
arrow President
arrow Sales and marketing manager 
arrow Key account managerSchlüsselkunden-Manager
arrow product manager
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    You will  
arrow be well acquainted with the importance of an intensified

orientation for markets and customers
arrow learn new marketing methods, tools and instruments
arrow work on multidimensional marketing concept through an

international case study with real data
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arrow speech / training, interaction, workshop, group dynamic

arrow mind sessionsz.B. Workshops, um neue Ideen im Business zu gewinnen , individual and collective feed back
arrow brain gymGehirngymnastik, z.B. zur Erhöhung der Gehirnfrequenz und damit zur Verbesserung der Gehirnleistung
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    Multidimensional integrated international marketing
    Through a global case study, a marketing strategy will be realized live


arrow Customer oriented Marketing
arrow Strategic Marketing
arrow Visionary Marketing
arrow Operative Marketing
arrow Global Marketing
arrow Euro-Marketing
arrow Regional Marketing
arrow Product Marketing
arrow CIM MarketingCustomer Integratet Marketing
arrow Bench marking
arrow Service Marketing
arrow Mimetic Marketing
arrow Direct Marketing
arrow Data Marketing
arrow Call Center Management / Telemarketing
arrow Profit Marketing
arrow e-Marketing
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Please contact us for the detailed program !