Start Our subjects General Management Management by Vision

Management by Vision

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    Target Groups
arrow General Managers
arrow You will think about your visions and develop them
arrow You will recognize the environment and the conditions which

generate visions
arrow speech / training, interaction, workshops, group dynamic

arrow discussion
arrow individual and collective feed back
arrow brain gymGehirngymnastik, z.B. zur Erhöhung der Gehirnfrequenz und damit zur Verbesserung der Gehirnleistung
arrow 3 phases concept for innovationNeuerung
arrow IntegrationMiteinbeziehen von Elementen und/oder Personen and switching
arrow Movement physiology
arrow Get to know and expand human resources
arrow Mind design fundaments
arrow Recognize and be informed about multidimensional visionary

disposion as a basis for creating visionZukunfts-Vereinbarung. Die Vision ist etwas, was man nie erreichen kann. Sie ist ein kollektiver Glaube, der kollektive Energien kohärent macht
arrow International success factors and visions
arrow Transfer from rational to irrational visionary state
arrow Floating phase
arrow Change managementManagement von Veränderungsprozessen
arrow NetworkingInformelle Netzwerk-Kommunikation leader and manager characteristics
arrow Initiating, anticipating, changing
arrow Idea development process
arrow Chaos and putting in order
arrow Expansion of meta visions
arrow Transfer of visual / visionary state into a rational state
arrow ImplementationImplementierung, Umsetzung, Verwirklichung, Inkraftsetzung in daily business
arrow Acquaintance with sensitive-benefit resources for daily

arrow Practical transfer option for Your employees
arrow Introduction of vision in the company
Please contact us for the detailed program !